This Week's Events in Coeur d'Alene and Surrounds

Backyard Forests Workshop

Homeowners with five acres or less of forestland do not usually want to manage them intensively for timber harvest. Most owners of these "backyard forests" are primarily interested in keeping their trees healthy and attractive. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not consider doing anything actively until backyard forest trees are visibly suffering from some kind of insect or disease problem. By the time they bring a sample into the Extension Office or some other expert, it is often too late. Remedies for bark beetles, root disease and similar forest health problems are usually preventative.

A 2-hour workshop titled Backyard Forests will help forest owners apply basic concepts of forest ecology to keep their trees healthy. Participants will learn about: tree species native to north Idaho; how forests grow and change over time; common forest insects & diseases; methods to improve forest tree health and reduce potential insect, disease and fire problems; and ways to enhance forest wildlife habitat.

Pre-register at the U of I Extension Office in Kootenai County by Tuesday, Feb. 7. A $10 registration fee covers handouts and refreshments.

Monday, 13 February, 2012
06:00 PM
08:00 PM


University of Idaho Extension Office
1808 North 3rd Street
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
United States

Event Contact Info
Chris Schnepf
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